Friday, January 28, 2011

Level 2 Requirements & Prizes

Level 2 Requirements and prizes are posted in the margin on the right of this page.  Guys... they are dude awesome.

A couple of things:

1. Every student who reaches Level 2 in 2011 gets a $50 MMVS money and gets to be in the Epic Level 2 showcase.  So get your Level 1 and then get on the road to Level 2!!
2. The Level 2 MMVS Artist of the Year receives a prize package worth approximately $1,000.  And it's not about who gets there first.  So check the requirements link and get pumped!
3. There are smaller prizes along the way for those who move quickly.  Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

I'm editing a video now with some additional info.  Should be up tomorrow.

Be fierce!


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