MMVS Level 2 Requirements

Mel's Vocal Program (MVP) - LEVEL 2

For the "Level 2 Contest," sections A and B have their own prizes.  The rest of the sections go toward the over all completion of Level 2, resulting in one pretty epic prize package... with an estimated value of $1,000!

  • Participation in Level 2 showcase (date TBA)
  • $50 MMVS money
  • MMVS video feature
  • Framed certificate of dude awesomeness

  • Headlining set at Level 2 showcase
  • $100 (instead of $50) MMVS Money
  • $100 at Red School of Music for guitar, piano, bass or drum lessons
  • Photo shoot with Rob Staub (professional concert and promotional photographer)
  • Video by Mike Falzone: one MMVS interview and MMVS performance filmed and edited by Mike Falzone, published to MMVS and Mike Falzone's facebook pages
  • A little help from your friends (see video announcement)

A. Ear Training 

  1. Sing and recognize whole steps and half steps by ear
  2. Sing and recognize intervals within the major scale
  3. Sing and recognize intervals within minor scale
  4. Understand, recognize, learn and create harmonies 
  5. Create melodies over basic chord progressions
  6. Improvise harmonies and melodies with other singers
PRIZE (1st to complete) ~ $50 MMVS Money, Video Feature, 1st to advance to part B...

B. Music Theory
  1. Master intervals and chord formation
  2. Transpose songs using “numbers” system
  3. Explain the “Circle of 5ths”
  4. Explain the “Relative Minor”
  5. Understand blues scale and common blues progressions
  6. Demonstrate a Clear understanding of key signatures, time signatures, chord progressions
  7. Site sing basic melody vocal lines (music majors will have more advanced site singing requirements)
PRIZE (1st to complete) ~ $100 to the Red School of Music for guitar, piano, bass or drum lessons, Video Feature, mad bragging rights all over the MMVS facebook group...

C. Skill Evaluation
  1. Pitch and Timing: ability to sing a cappella or with accompaniment without pitch, timing or phrasing errors
  2. Technique: Sings completely without tension, from lowest note in range to highest note in range.  Ability to sing long, complex phrases on single breath with proper support. Achieve range goals set by student and instructor.
  3. Registration: ability to sing phrases in lower, modal and upper register.  Ability to blend lower and upper register for seamless transition throughout range.
  4. Placement: ability to demonstrate different types of resonance on the same pitch.
  5. Volume: demonstrates volume control regardless of pitch.
D. Song Projects

Songwriters / Bands Only

1. Five NEW original* songs composed, arranged, and recorded (rough demos only - no production or recording studio required).  Vocal harmonies created and recorded.   *If the band is not all original, five songs for the band's set must be planned, charted, rehearsed and arranged.

2. Seven cover songs filmed at MMVS and posted to MMVS facebook page.  Three chosen by student, four chosen by MM.

Music Majors / Music Theater Majors Only

1. Five audition pieces prepared and recorded (rough demos only). Completion of audition book, including song selection, song mastery, headshot, resume, cover letter, sheet music and recorded accompaniment. 

2. Seven cover songs (in addition to audition selections) filmed at MMVS and posted to MMVS facebook page. Three chosen by student, four chosen by MM.

E. Performance

Twelve performances of at least one song in public venue

F. Practice

20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise prior to singing
15- 20 minutes vocal warm-up per day, five days a week
15 - 30 minutes of technique per day, five days a week (record and listen)
30 - 60 minutes of “live performance” rehearsal per day, three days a week (film it if possible)
20 - 30 minutes of writing (or instrumentation work) per day, five days a week
Log in five times per week to blog and/or MMVS facebook group to list practice time, questions, and achievements.  Songwriting ideas and thoughts are encouraged.
G. Health and Wellness

Nutrition - little to no sugar, junk food, soda.  Be aware of what foods/beverages affect your singing, your moods and your energy levels.  
Maintain a fitness routine - sport, dance, or workouts