Friday, November 5, 2010

Guys with Guitars

MMVS saw a lot of guys with guitars this week!
Here are a few pics of them and a few questions for you:

1. Who is the best male singer of all time?
2. Who is your favorite guitar player?
3. If you could play one musical instrument (that you can't already play) what would it be?
4. What is your current song project at MMVS and how is it going?

Mike S. is a professional singer/musician who leads a contemporary band at a church in Fairfield, CT.  Blue and I went to one of his services this year and we were blown away by the singing, the music, and the beautiful service.  
Danny M is new to MMVS this Fall.  What a vocal range on this guy!  He's working hard to reach Level 1 and make all of his musical dreams come true.
Casey C. has been a friend and musical colleague of mine for years.  It's very special to have him working with me at MMVS now.  And get this: Casey was accepted to medical school this week!  The future Dr. will be treating us to a performance at the MMVS workshop 11/21/10.


  1. 1. Frank Sinatra (personal favorites include Neil Finn, Paul McCartney and Bono).
    2. George Harrison (he's my favorite - different question from who is the best).
    3. Piano! LOL
    4. I have assigned myself the task of attempting every female song project that my students are working on. Biggest challenge for me is to do a decent version of Beyonce's "If I Were a Boy." Thanks, Steph!

  2. 1.Axel Rose(because he could hit those notes on record LIVE!),and what a set of vocal cords does that guy have huh!?!

    2.Slash (I mean the creator of some of the most famous riff's known to guitar players, and he's just an amazing guitar player)

    3.Piano (It would be so awesome to step out on stage and bust out some Beethoven and be like "yea i just learned that an hour ago" haha

    4.I am working on Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me To The Moon" which I believe counts for my Jazz song. I think the song is within My range,I love singing it while I practice, I think I need to loosen up a bit more while i'm with melissa, she intimidates me lol

  3. OMG Luis yes you should feel free to be as goofy as I am!

  4. 1. Based on my personal favorite, Bono but I have a couple, Like, Jordan pruit, Paul meany, and Matt bellamy

    2. In terms of rhythm I favor Lenny Kravits, Keith Richards, and Bobby Anderson, very solid players, and for lead I like Johnny greenwood, and James mankey.

    3. I want to work on my piano skills more, my technique is pretty sloppy

    4. My song project is seasons in the abyss by slayer AKA (i've got the world on a string by Frank Sinatra

  5. @Duranzilla, all good choices. In terms of rhythm guitar I favor The Edge from U2 and Tom Petty. Love that jangly, insistent guitar sound.

    I think it's funny that the only two students I have working on Sinatra tunes BOTH posted right away (after I said Sinatra was the best ever).

    @Luis, you can't argue with Slash's ability and his amazing, memorable guitar hooks.

    4. I am currently working on Not good enough for truth in cliche by escape the fate =)

  7. 1. Andrew McMahon..i really like his voice although it can be nasally at times.
    2. Joshy Kellogg because of how he can just sit down and make up melodies on guitar without even thinking about it.
    3. the bass guitar
    4. Biggest mistake and jar of hearts (i'm almost done with jar of hearts on piano...finally)

    by the way mel, my laryngitis is gone :-)

  8. hmm best male singer... i loved that kid who was on american idol, aaron kelly. hes prob not the best but i love him :D
    my favorite guitar player? idk. ill say george harrison.
    id love to play the guitar better than I do, and i don't play electric, so yeah, electric guitar.
    im working on At Last and Caro Mio Ben. At Last is going pretty well, Caro Mio Ben is... good i suppose :P

  9. ohwaitohwait keith richards is awesome

  10. Hahaha @Emma leave it to you to remember The Beatles and The Stones for your guitar heroes.

    @Jordan, while Andrew doesn't make my list of best male singers, he is one of my favorite songwriters of this era. And that's not nothing. And he's definitely one of my favorite piano players... we'll have to ask that question in another blog post soon.

  11. Best male inger-Without a Doubt Freddie Mercury
    Favorite Guitarist-Joe Satriani, to all coldplay fans, thank Joe Satrinai for the melody to Viva La Vida, look up If I could Fly if you dont know what I mean
    Current Project-Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden, going great

  12. @ Frank - all good answers. If Richard had answered HONESTLY then you could argue with him. As it is, I'm pretty sure Ke$ha is not his favorite guitarist.

  13. Mel, Ke$ha is da bawm, she dont eva let the party stops... this video proves it...

  14. Okay frank you can argue if u can...

    Best male singer: Freddie Mercury
    Favorite Guitarist: Modern time would be Syn Gates but of all time Keith Richards is the man
    3. I would like to understand the piano and guitar

  15. Cant really argue with you favorite guitarist picks cause they're your favorites and we both agree on Freddie. Nothing to argue about unless youre saying that Synester Gates is the best in the world today

  16. My favorite singers of all time however, are Jeff Buckley and Chris Cornell, Best guitarist ever would be Jimi Hendrix. Just for the sake of arguing, what do you think Richard, Frontman for Take Zero
