Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I wish you the warmest, kindest, most peaceful holiday season you've ever had.

And I also wish you the most ridiculous, random, hilarious, laugh until you fall off your chair holiday, too!

Many of you know that this was a difficult year for me, due to my father's illness and recent passing.  But I am still so filled with gratitude and wonderful memories from 2010.  And you've been a big part of that!  You have all been so uplifting, kind, generous, and FUNNY all year.  You are all bright beams of light in this world.  Don't ever forget that.

Some holiday themed questions for you:

1. Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  If so, do you have any regarding music / singing?
2. Best holiday songs ever, in your opinion:
3. Worst holiday songs - the ones that make you want to throw yourself down a flight of stairs:
4. What are you doing New Year's Eve?

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!  Here's to making 2011 a year to remember!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Talk to the People!

SUNDAY, JAN 9 1pm - 3pm 
SUNDAY, JAN 16, 1pm - 3pm
Performers should attend one or both.  They are only $10 each!

There is no greater sin for a performer than to be uninteresting. We strive for quality, but the technique means nothing if the performance lacks life, passion, intrigue. Venue, audience, genre, and music selection will change the expectations of what makes a performance interesting, but never forget you are an ENTERTAINER. You must be entertaining! - Vocal Coach Mister Tim
Luis is working on a really cool original song.  I'm trying like mad to convince him to sing at the showcase.
Bring on the peer pressure!  LOL :)

As we prepare for the MMVS showcase (details on the MMVS Events page, see link to the right), I see a lot of you trying to figure out how to move, where to look, and what to do while you're singing.  It's natural for you to feel this way... but you've got to work through it, and I have some things for you to try.

1. Pay attention when you talk to people today.  When you tell stories about funny things that happened or things that pissed you off you will use your hands, your face, and your entire body to communicate to your friends and family.  When you are singing you have to use the same amount of energy.  Similar actions will work wonders.  Talk to the people!

Nilani is a music therapist.  She helps kids with disabilities connect and communicate through music.
Music heals.  Nilani rocks!
2. In order to communicate with other people you have to understand the song.  You have to know what every word means and you have to know the overall point of the song.  If you have no clue, or just a vague idea like "Oh, it's about really loving someone a lot," then your performance won't connect with people.  Make up a very specific story about it (in your mind) and then tell that story.  Talk to the people!

3. Watch videos of the different ways your favorite performers use action in their live performances.  If they are "still" at times, watch carefully.  I promise you they are not standing without any motion or emotion.  Watch verrrry carefully, and then try it.   

4. Tell yourself how to feel in each verse, for each line, and really FEEL those emotions before you open your mouth.  Magical things happen.  I've seen hints of it in many of your lessons this week.  

5. When you're practicing alone, go completely nuts and run around like a maniac while you sing.  Pretend you're performing at Madison Square Garden and your hair is on fire.  Free yourself to be crazy and not have a care in the world how ridiculous you look.  Now stop... catch your breath... isn't that FUN?  At least a little bit?  Are you laughing?  ...  Now, let that fun-loving, free-styling person help you create an entertaining and memorable performance.  Talk to the people!

Questions for you, once you've tried some of these suggestions:

1. Which of these performance tips have you tried?
2. What are the results?  
3.  How do you feel?
4. What are you doing differently?
5. Did you know that you can sign up to receive this blog via RSS?  See the new link/button on the right (in the margin).
6. Which of the rehearsals to you plan to attend?  You don't have to commit this week but I'm looking to get an idea.
7. CONGRATULATIONS COLE MURPHY FOR REACHING LEVEL 1 THIS WEEK!   Those of you working on Level 1 - do you have a goal date for completion?  If not, SET ONE NOW!  :)
8.  Y'all know how much I love you, right?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Now Hear This! MMVS News!

MMVS Showcase!

3pm - 6pm
Chef's Table, Post Rd, Fairfield, CT
Tickets are $5 (free for all performers) 
Tickets include a 10% off coupon for Chef's Table food, drink.

MMVS will be holding rehearsals two Sundays prior to the show, Sunday, January 9 and Sunday, January 16th (1pm - 3pm).  Students are highly encouraged (in other words, required) to participate in one or both of these rehearsals.  Sign-up with me ahead of time.  
These are two hour sessions and are only $10 per person.

Duets and small group performances are more than okay by me!  
Get creative and make this an amazing show!


In other news... MMVS had a pretty exciting weekend!  Take a look at what some of your fellow MMVS-ers accomplished...

KICKING DAISIES is Radio Disney's NEXT BIG THING!  Congratulations Duran, Caitlin, Carly and Ben!   Way to represent MMVS.  We love you!   

We found out the news backstage before their sold out show at FTC's Stage One on Friday.   I made a really fun video of that moment (and before/after that moment), but I'm not allowed to release it until Disney releases similar footage we sent to them that night.   Stay tuned!

Big shout out to MMVS favorite, RICHARD GRANGER, who's band, Take Zero, rocked the stage that night!  Also, big shout out to MMVS new comer, CHRIS CONWAY, who's band That's The Problem played a kicking opening set.  Way to go guys (dude awesome).

Whew... so then on Sunday MMVS Level 1 Winners, KATIE HODES and JORDAN KELLOGG took the stage at Stratford Theatre for the Red School's annual charity concert.  They brought the house down with their new hit "My Biggest Mistake" and Christina Perri's tune "Jar of Hearts." With beautiful harmonies and powerful vocals, these girls showed me they are learning how to connect with their audience through their performances.  Congratulations, NEVER4GET!

Please post answers to the following questions to comments:
1. Do you know what song you would like to perform (or have you narrowed it down)?
2. Do you want our advice on which song to choose?
3. Rumor has it that Mel will sing a few tunes at this show... any requests?
4. How do you plan to prepare?